About The Site

From the north, the land of Pakistan is home to several mountain peaks; the Karakoram and the Himalayas which attracts adventurers and mountaineers from around the world. From dissected plateaus to the rich alluvial plains of the Punjab, follow the isolated barrenness of Baluchistan and the hot, dry deserts of Sindh blending into miles and miles of golden beaches of Makran coast.

Pakistan is a land of unimaginable beauty, hidden natural wonders and untapped tourism potential.
Prime Minister Imran Khan

This site is a bird's eyeview of beauty of pakistan.you can see the list of some incredibally beautiful mosques, mountaiuns, lakes, valleys and forts.you can also view their pictures in gallary.Beside all these pakistan also owns fairy waterfalls, parks, meusums and many other historical places.it is imposible to illustrate everything.there ia always many more to discover!


Hi, I'm Iqra Sarwar.Glad to see you here!
I have designed this website for "web design for everbody-capstone". Finishing my capstone project as a developer has been a milestone for me.I am looking forward for more work and experiance in this field as a web developer.This project is first step of a new journey of web design and development which i started in April 2020 with coursera due to courtesy of PUCIT(Punjab University College Of Information Technology).

My Skills
I have a good knowledge and experiance of HTML & CSS and basic knowledge of Javascript, Jquer, Json, frontend, bootstrap, responsive web design(RWD) and backend development.Here is a list of my certificates of few courses and a spacilization by coursera.

Introduction to HTML5 Click Here To View Certificate
Introduction to CSS3 Click Here To View Certificate
Interactivity with JavaScript Click Here To View Certificate
Advanced Styling with Responsive Design Click Here To View Certificate
Building Web Applications in PHP Click Here To View Certificate
Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) Click Here To View Certificate
JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON Click Here To View Certificate
Building Database Applications in PHP Click Here To View Certificate
Web Applications for Everybody(Specialization) Click Here To View Certificate

wanna contact me?

you may have any query or you may want to collaborate or work with me.If so, you are more than welcome.you can contact me through social media platforms email, facebook and twitter.If you have any feedback or suggestions feel free to contact me.you can email at

"ia4819698@gmail.com" wanna contact through facebook? click here

wanna contact through twitter? click here

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